Monday October 26 

Students were asked to send in photos again and getting photos from the students melts my heart. It is amazing to see pictures of where they live and what they enjoy. Having them respond to the “homework” makes me feel like they care about the class and effort we are all putting in.  

This week we got everything done in the class, yet it still felt rushed. We probably could have used less activities and focused more on vocabulary.  

I am still working on having more concise instructions. The instructions get over worded and students are lost. For example, with the breakout room, there were too many instructions, and too many words in them. I’m going to start writing myself a script for instructions so I don’t say too many words and confuse the students. 

As for transitions between slide and activities, a closing sentence could be said. Before going into the next activity try to sum up what we just did and why. Then, move into what we are doing next and why.