My Philosophy of Teaching Statement  

As a teacher, I believe students learn not only through listening, speaking, reading and writing; but also, through feeling. Learning can be an experience where there is a sense of assurance that making mistakes are safe. Students feel that my role is that of a Mentor rather than Dictator.  

I can facilitate this kind of learning by giving opportunities for students to involve the 5 senses. This creates a stronger and more impactful memory or meaning of content. I provide resources, share knowledge and allow for students to take their time while guiding them through incremental steps of learning.  

My goals as a teacher are to have students engaged and motivated in what they are doing. I want students to successfully move from point A to point B while feeling a sense of achievement in the process.  

I teach in this way because it is what feels natural to me. I try to be authentic as a human when teaching so students can relate to me. Intertwining my personality into my role as a teacher is something that I enjoy doing and it brings confidence to the position. This way of teaching is inspired by some of my past teachers because they are approachable and honest; you can see their heart when they teach. 

Specific examples of teaching strategies I implement are giving instructions visually and verbally. Examples are given to students before an assigned task so they know what the expectation is. I speak calmly and confidently while giving instructions and guide the students with the I do, we do, you do method. In this method, students learning is scaffolded and then released when appropriate.  I know these types of techniques are working because I see the tasks being completed and understood. Students are able to successfully participate while building rapport and relationships between student and teacher and amongst themselves.  

As I continue to grow as a teacher, I reflect and look to other colleagues for innovativeness. I believe working collaboratively puts smart minds together. My talents as a teacher can grow by learning from those whose abilities shine. Like my students, I myself am I life-long learner.